Take Time for Your Life: A Personal Coach’s 7-Step Program for Creating the Life You Want
Have you ever thought about whether or not you’re the type of person to design and be in charge of your life? Most people aren’t. In fact, most men and women typically let life happen to them.
They react accordingly, but they never feel like they’re at the helm of the boat steering their existence. That’s where Cheryl Richardson’s book, Take Time for Your Life can help you.
It’s her 7-step program that helps you tailor your life however you want it to be. Cheryl is a life coach for many men and women, and she’s spotted some patterns that helped her create this fantastic read.
If you’re on a journey of self discovery and change, you’ll want to embrace the seven steps she recommends in the pages of this book. They’re all meant to motivate you and they’re very practical so everyone can implement them.
The first step is to stop viewing self care as something selfish. She teaches you how to look at it from a new perspective. The second step is to reorganize your schedule so that self care is an integral part of your daily routine.
Cheryl’s third step is a recommendation that you become aware of toxic people, places and things that don’t contribute to your overall sense of happiness. The fourth step she has you embrace is financial freedom, so you can live your best life.
Fifth, you’ll be targeting your energy supplies and learning how to keep them elevated the right way. Then you’ll move on to the sixth step, which is to surround yourself with a circle of supportive individuals who contribute to your well being. And last, you’ll hone in on your spiritual endeavors and find out how to connect on a higher level for more wisdom.
This isn’t just a book filled with advice and instructions. You’re going to be able to see her own personal journey and acquire more resources from her, including checklists to make the process go faster.
If you’ve been feeling out of control on many levels lately, then this book is the perfect antidote to that chaos. Soon, you’ll be feeling in charge of where your life is going and satisfied with that direction because it’s what you chose, not what you were a victim of.
You’re going to engineer the journey you want and do it in a way that’s not filled with pressure and stress, but peace and happiness instead. Far too few people embark on a journey like this, but it’s something everyone should be doing in their lifetime.