Self-Care Isn’t Always Soothing
A common misconception about self-care is that it’s always just relaxing and soothing. That’s not necessarily the case.
Self-Care on a Budget
Sometimes, the source of a lot of our stress is money. So many people worry about how much they’re making, how much they’re spending, and so on. Naturally, when it comes to improving yourself both physically and mentally, you don’t want to go stressing yourself out about expensive options for them. The good news is […]
Your Self-Care Should Be Pleasant, Not Painful
Some people try too hard to get themselves where they want to be in terms of self care, and end up doing more harm than good.
Supporting Others Is a Way of Engaging in Self-Care
Self-care doesn’t always have to concern you and you alone. Many people benefit from helping others.
Taking a Spiritual Approach to Self-Care
Use a spiritual approach when you want to tap into that next level of enlightenment that comes from a place deep within your soul.
Technology That Can Help You with Self Care
Taking advantage of technology is highly recommended, because it allows you to simplify certain things and do others that you might not have been able to do by yourself
Treat Your Torso Right with a Strategic Self Care Routine
It’s just a good rule of thumb to use parts of your body regularly to help them avoid getting stale and out of shape.
Who Should Be on Your Self Care Support Team?
A serious mistake that you should avoid when you’re getting started with self-care is trying to do it all alone.
You Don’t Need to Hire a Professional for Self-Care
One aspect of self-care that often drives people away from it is the perceived cost of getting everything done for you.