
How Can You Take Care of Your Mind?

The brain is an organ; the mind is invisible yet in every cell. Our minds are responsible for feelings, attitudes, imagination and beliefs. So, how can you take care of your mind?

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Self Care Planning

Develop Your Own Self-Care Plan

When pursuing a plan for self-care, it’s necessary to analyze your current lifestyle, answer a few questions and make a few decisions.

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A Sensitive Woman

Realize and Accept Inherent Sensitivities

Some of us are just highly sensitive. Learning to accept this in your own world is the first step in reorganizing emotional boundaries and limitations.

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Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care

The Smart Girl’s Guide to Self Care

The routines shared in the book will be things you can carry on with for a lifetime that will serve your mental and physical health well.

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Over Sensitive

Signs You May be Overly Sensitive

Because being over sensitive is both genetic and conditioning, we can’t really just “stop” it. However, we can learn to minimize the effects by dealing with our emotions on a different level.

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Self Care Daily

Self-Care Habits to Practice Daily

When referring to a self-care “routine” it doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing, day in and day out. Let’s take a look at some suggestions to help you jumpstart daily self-care habits that will stick!

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The Self Care Prescription

The Self Care Prescription

This book is designed to be your personal prescription to heal every area of your life without pushback from your inner self.

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Negative Inner Voices

Stop Negative Self-Talk and Use Positive Affirmations

Everyone has an inner voice, but sometimes that nasty voice gets the best of us and creates a breeding ground for negative self-talk and destructive behaviors.

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Self Care for Older People

You’re Never Too Young or Too Old for Self-Care

People often complain that they’re too old, or too young, to start doing something, and therefore shouldn’t even try to start.

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The Little Book of Self Care

The Little Book of Self Care

If you’re already stressed to the limits, then having someone tell you to implement a self care strategy might feel like the straw that broke the camel’s back. This plan will help you implement the tiniest daily habits that add up to fully transform your life.

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